We have designed a new leadership cohort model for administrators and student services staff who would like to learn how to serve as leaders of the trauma-informed movement within their schools. We’ve led this cohort now with over 50 educators in two districts and just embarked on a third cohort for 19 educators in a third district. The cohort is designed as a learning collaborative and runs for approximately 6 months, including a mix of four workshop-style trainings and four small group consultation calls. The process includes job-embedded tasks for leaders to complete between each training session, with the end goal being to help each leader walk away with their own school-specific action plan of trauma-informed strategies ready for implementation.
The Leadership Cohort includes:
- 10 hours of workshop-style training (ideally in-person held at a central location in the district)
- 4 hours of small group consultation and coaching
- All resources shared throughout the cohort in a shared Google Drive folder for participants to fully access and save on their own
Where Level Four partnerships have been done:
- Columbus County Schools
- Johnston County Public Schools
- Lee County Schools
What our Level Four participants are saying:
“Initially, going in, I was ready for our entire school to be ‘trained’ and ready to go in order to best meet the needs of our students. Throughout the training, I realized that this is a journey and best implemented as a slow rain with a small number of people. As the seeds begin to grow, we are able to plant more seeds for a bigger harvest.”
“The a-ha moment for me was developing a deeper understanding of the brain science linked to learning and the influence trauma has on the brain. Knowing this allows me to better understand students I will come in contact with when dealing with disciplinary issues. This information will also be useful to convey to classroom teachers so that they can be better informed and hopefully be able to meet the needs of students they serve.”
“I am more aware of things I do, say and think that may be a hindrance or a gateway for others when thinking about educating students. I am more vocal when I hear of situations that challenge my newfound thinking and ideas and strategies that are not in the best interest of students.”
“Throughout the training, I have been planning on things that I would like to implement at the school level and when it came to writing out a plan I was good to go. Writing out the plan has helped to iron out the details.”
“I liked hearing from different schools about what has been working for them. I think that is such a key network for administrators to have. The paperwork for action planning everything was also helpful for improving the school’s future.”
Are you interested in learning more about our Level One offerings and partnership? Contact us and set up a time with one of our Center Coaches to learn more.